Dear Loyal Brown Girl Followers,
This is our last post from our Texas vacation. It was a wonderful vacation full of laughter and good friends. We are so glad that all of you could be with us on our vacation.
To the Souths - we love you and are holding you to your promised visit.
To Padrino Pablo - thank you for the hospitality, the dance lessons and the wild ride through Dallas.
To Karyn - thanks for watching the cat, watering the lawn and taking care of Mom's house so that we could go on our vacation with no worries.
To Mom - we are so thrilled that you came to Texas to be with us (we know that Ann had nothing to do with your trip south!)
To Peter and Beth - thanks for giving us your girls for just a very brief two weeks, we loved the time together. Apologies in advance for anything we may have taught them...
A Big Texas Adios to all our fans, until the next vacation...