Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dallas - Day 1

Hello Brown Girl Followers! We have finally arrived at our last Texas locale - The Godfather Paul
Inn, located in the heart of the city. We took our time driving this morning, getting a great start with an IHop breakfast. Then we headed to the pioneer village only to find that it was closed :( that was a bummer - it looked cute, like it would be a really good time, but we understood once we saw the sign that said that it was closed due to a family member being in the hospital, I guess it was a family run business. So from there we headed to Arlington, home of the greatest Texas landmark of all - Cowboys Stadium. It was enormous! I was suprised that we were able to actually take a self-guided tour that took us down on the field. How exciting is that! I even got back to the players locker room. Do you see me next to Tony Romo's locker? Do you see the note I have in my hand? Do you notice that the note is missing in later pictures? Hmmmmm... Sorry, Karyn, this time I left my phone number.
We spent our time in the car listening to the Shrek soundtrack so tonight, there will be a double feature of Shrek I and Shrek II (for those who can stay awake) at the Godfather Paul Inn this evening. We are looking forward to it. Tomorrow it is off to do fun things in Dallas and spend time with some fun friends.
PS - Peter and Beth, have run out of money, may have to sell children or dolls to get home, it's a toss up - preference??


  1. Becky-Becky-Becky- Your trip was wonderful until today. I hope you didn't bore your family too long with the cowpoke stadium.

  2. Definitely sell the kids. Better profit potential (still have a lot of earning years ahead of them). We can ebay the dolls later.

  3. I'm so glad you are finally here! Can't wait until later! Don't sell my little girls or if you do, I'll buy them at a premium price. Love you all. Granny Sande
