Friday, June 18, 2010


Hello Brown Girl Followers! This is our last night - it is sad faces all around. We did start the morning off with a dance recital from Jessica and Godfather Paul - Guiness even got into the act! After many laughs, we put on our Texas shirts, packed our bags and started heading north. But, before we could leave Dallas, we made one last stop at the 711. Although we were able to fill the car full of gas, we were unable fill our tummys one last time with a cherry slurpee - bummer. We didn't let this get us too far down, though as it was a last opportunity to drive fast - really fast. I am certainly going to miss that. We encountered some pretty heavy traffic but finally made it to the hotel - although according to Jessica, the Godfather Paul Inn is the best! We did make it in time to watch the season finale of Zach and Cody on Deck! After this, it will be off to the pool and then straight to bed and back to KY. Being in Memphis, I feel inclined to say a musical good night to all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry your trip hs finished, but I hope the blog continues. Love to all my girls!
